Baby Steps Toward a Big, Happy Life

If you’re finding it difficult to prepare yourself mentally to step out in the world with confidence, you’re not alone. There are many reasons that we lose our spark, from the pandemic to divorce to financial worries. But, you deserve to live your best life, and the small steps below can help you see over those things in the world that have brought you down.

Life coach Terry Sidford shares today’s post as just one of many helpful articles.

Update Your Career

For most of us, our jobs play a huge role in defining who we are. But, we aren’t always happy. If you think it’s time to step away from a position that makes you miserable, take the leap of faith. But, if you’d rather be a bit more prepared and jump with a proverbial parachute, then now might be a great time to go back to school. You can earn a master’s degree in everything from education to business administration from home without giving up your financial safety net. If you’re not yet ready to commit to a full career change, get a hobby. Anything you can do to channel your passions is a good step toward improving your outlook on life.

Change Your Diet

You know the saying, “you are what you eat.” While you won’t turn into a cantaloupe, the food you put into your body does affect how you feel and present yourself. When you’re constantly bloated, for example, it might be time to cut carbonated beverages, garlic, sweet potatoes, and milk from your diet. If you’ve made changes to your diet and bloating doesn’t go away, talk to your healthcare provider about possible issues that might indicate a more serious health concern. Eating a balance of healthy foods will also give you energy and help you maintain your weight.

Update Your Wardrobe

Once you get your body under control, it’s time to pay attention to how you feel and what you wear. Many of us have taken to living in sweatpants and ponytails, which might be comfortable, but don’t always make us feel as though we look our best. Consider investing in a few pieces of comfortable but stylish clothing and accessories to match. A pair of glistening tiger’s eye earrings or necklace will go great with jeans, leggings, or a dress. Casual black pumps or rhinestone flip-flops can also help you walk out of the house with confidence. 

Make New Friends

TalkSpace acknowledges that making new friends as an adult isn’t always easy. But, our social circles can have a great impact on our overall self-esteem. When you have a strong support network, you feel better about yourself. Similarly, when your friends only call you when they want something, you start to tie your self-worth to the value other people assign to you. Making new friends can open up new opportunities for new experiences that can enhance your life in ways you have yet to imagine.

Exercise Every Day

If the idea of starting a new fitness routine is intimidating, don’t let it be. Although there are definitely regimens that can take up half a day, there are also plenty of ways to step into exercise without fundamentally changing your schedule. Fatherly explains that simple workouts, such as crunches, lunges, and jumping jacks, are easy. There is a very low barrier to entry, and many things you can do from home require no special equipment. Exercise keeps your body nimble and can improve flexibility, weight, and mood.

Building your confidence now will put you in a better position to choose courage when you need it most. You never know when things in life might change, and you owe it to yourself to be prepared for whatever may come. Even if you just need a simple boost to your self-esteem, the tips above can help you get there and will put you on a clear path toward the road in life you wish to walk.

Posted on February 7, 2022 .