Running a ‘Fempire’: How Women Can Balance Business, Work, and Life

Women really can do it all. No challenge is too small for the modern woman - from managing personal responsibilities and family life to health, wellness, and work. And if you’re running a business in addition to everything else - well, it can be a lot. No one said running a ‘fempire’ (female empire) was going to be easy, but there are a few ways you can juggle all your responsibilities. Here, Terry Sidford shares easy advice to implement today.

Stay On Top of It All

Finding that you’re forgetting essential appointments and to-dos? That’s normal when you’re juggling a lot of things at once. Using a planner template is an excellent way to stay on track, as you’ll get a birds-eye 30-day view of your upcoming tasks and engagements. Other benefits of an online calendar for planning include collaboration and reminders. When looking for a template, be sure it is customizable with graphics, videos, and sticky notes, so your deadlines remain top of mind. Once you have your tasks lined up, look at the week ahead and prioritize where you’re needed the most. For example, one day, you may need to adjust your workday to accommodate the kids or move around some meetings to factor in some much-needed me-time.

Learn from Your Failures

According to The Pitch Queen, successful entrepreneurs never make the same mistake twice. Why? Because they draw on the lessons, they learned the first time around! But that doesn’t mean that failure is non-existent in the startup vocabulary. Almost all successful business people have dealt with hurdles, naysayers, mistakes, and shortcomings. Failure is necessary to grow, as it helps you constantly pivot towards growth and success.

Be Intentional about Everything You Do

This comes back to managing your time effectively. How can you make your life easier and more efficient? For example, if you have a hectic workweek, you don’t want to be working on chores that don’t serve you. Can you order dinner a couple of times this week instead of cooking? Perhaps meal prepping is an option here. Can you hire someone to tutor the kids, walk the dog, or create the branding materials? By being intentional and mindful about your responsibilities, you’ll find you have a lot more to give and that what you are providing is of higher quality.

Combine Different Aspects of Your Life

Many people think that the concept of a work-life balance is a thing of the past. After all, balance implies perfection, and running a business and managing personal affairs is by no means perfect. Instead, perhaps what you should be aiming for is work-life integration. This involves combining different aspects of your life instead of viewing them as opposites. For example, maybe you can combine work and family in a synergistic manner. Spend some evenings with your partner or kids discussing life or work together silently on deliverables or homework. This is an excellent way to bond while managing your tasks. Integrating different elements this way may make it easier to juggle everything instead of striving for the balance that is almost always impossible.

Manage Your Stress

You will have days when stress levels are mounting, and everything seems too difficult. It will thus be essential to have coping strategies to prevent the stress from affecting your business and personal life. Think of these strategies as non-negotiables for difficult times. For some, that might be committing to a yoga class, and for others, ensuring that they are eating well-balanced and nutritious meals. Don’t forget to get your eight hours of sleep and meet close friends to blow off some steam.

Today’s businesswomen have a whole host of challenges. But women-owned businesses are growing two times faster than businesses led by men, Business Wire reports. This means that that elusive work-life integration is achievable, even when your plate is overflowing. Just take it step by step, and success will find you in no time!

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Posted on March 17, 2022 .