Everything is an Opportunity to Grow.

Recently, I came down with a vicious virus that lasted over two weeks. I had to cancel everything and could only rest. Everything in my being was screaming. I thrive on creating and expressing myself by doing things that inspire me. I had no energy to feel any of these things.

As I became focused entirely on my body, I became sad and lost. I know better than to stay in that state for very long. I asked myself, what is the opportunity or message in all this? Of course, my first response was NOTHING!!!! I took time to listen for the answer, which came to me in bright neon lights. “Terry, you need to slow down, be comfortable doing nothing, sleep more, and appreciate the little things. You realize what is truly important when you feel as bad as I did. My health, family, friends, dwelling, community, and knowledge of my spirituality and soul are a part of my body and separate simultaneously.

Posted on March 20, 2024 and filed under Articles.

Learn to Forgive...

Forgiveness doesn’t mean you agree with what someone has done; you forgive to release yourself from its negative energy. You regain your power to live fully in the present time instead of feeling restricted by someone else’s actions. 

Sometimes, we need to make people accountable for their actions, but we don’t need to let it hold us down or back for the rest of our lives. 

When you don’t forgive, you give away your power. It keeps the pain alive and never lets the wound heal. 

Here are some suggestions to help you forgive yourself and others:

  1. Start with forgiving yourself and return to love. Connect to your heart and tell yourself, “What can I learn from my mistakes? I love and forgive myself. Are there any actions I need to take to make amends? 

  2. Think about the person you can’t forgive as a child born with the need to be loved. That person still exists. Most people who act out are asking for love.

  3. What you see in others is reflected back to you. You see hate, you will feel hate. You see love, you will feel love.

  4. Remember, even those who need to be accountable for their actions need love and forgiveness.

Write a list of people you want to forgive. Practice using your heart to love and forgive them. Release the negative energy associated with them and let it go. Suppose they do need to be made accountable. Take the required actions without harboring resentment and anger. Feel the feelings necessary and then return to love and let it go. 

Last but not least. Practice forgiving yourself first. If you can’t forgive yourself and connect to your heart, it will be difficult to forgive others.

If you master forgiveness, you will experience freedom you have never known. You will return to your full potential and capabilities. You will not be a victim of your life; you will be the best version of yourself.

With love and grace,  

On the Choose Courage Podcast, Terry Sidford encourages her guests to share their Courage Stories.

"My heart opened while reading Terry’s down-to-earth prose. I felt myself rooting for her as the heroine in her compelling and unique true story, while simultaneously relating and seeing my own possibilities. I was profoundly inspired." 


Posted on January 21, 2024 and filed under Articles.

Running a ‘Fempire’: How Women Can Balance Business, Work, and Life

Women really can do it all. No challenge is too small for the modern woman - from managing personal responsibilities and family life to health, wellness, and work. And if you’re running a business in addition to everything else - well, it can be a lot. No one said running a ‘fempire’ (female empire) was going to be easy, but there are a few ways you can juggle all your responsibilities. Here, Terry Sidford shares easy advice to implement today.

Stay On Top of It All

Finding that you’re forgetting essential appointments and to-dos? That’s normal when you’re juggling a lot of things at once. Using a planner template is an excellent way to stay on track, as you’ll get a birds-eye 30-day view of your upcoming tasks and engagements. Other benefits of an online calendar for planning include collaboration and reminders. When looking for a template, be sure it is customizable with graphics, videos, and sticky notes, so your deadlines remain top of mind. Once you have your tasks lined up, look at the week ahead and prioritize where you’re needed the most. For example, one day, you may need to adjust your workday to accommodate the kids or move around some meetings to factor in some much-needed me-time.

Learn from Your Failures

According to The Pitch Queen, successful entrepreneurs never make the same mistake twice. Why? Because they draw on the lessons, they learned the first time around! But that doesn’t mean that failure is non-existent in the startup vocabulary. Almost all successful business people have dealt with hurdles, naysayers, mistakes, and shortcomings. Failure is necessary to grow, as it helps you constantly pivot towards growth and success.

Be Intentional about Everything You Do

This comes back to managing your time effectively. How can you make your life easier and more efficient? For example, if you have a hectic workweek, you don’t want to be working on chores that don’t serve you. Can you order dinner a couple of times this week instead of cooking? Perhaps meal prepping is an option here. Can you hire someone to tutor the kids, walk the dog, or create the branding materials? By being intentional and mindful about your responsibilities, you’ll find you have a lot more to give and that what you are providing is of higher quality.

Combine Different Aspects of Your Life

Many people think that the concept of a work-life balance is a thing of the past. After all, balance implies perfection, and running a business and managing personal affairs is by no means perfect. Instead, perhaps what you should be aiming for is work-life integration. This involves combining different aspects of your life instead of viewing them as opposites. For example, maybe you can combine work and family in a synergistic manner. Spend some evenings with your partner or kids discussing life or work together silently on deliverables or homework. This is an excellent way to bond while managing your tasks. Integrating different elements this way may make it easier to juggle everything instead of striving for the balance that is almost always impossible.

Manage Your Stress

You will have days when stress levels are mounting, and everything seems too difficult. It will thus be essential to have coping strategies to prevent the stress from affecting your business and personal life. Think of these strategies as non-negotiables for difficult times. For some, that might be committing to a yoga class, and for others, ensuring that they are eating well-balanced and nutritious meals. Don’t forget to get your eight hours of sleep and meet close friends to blow off some steam.

Today’s businesswomen have a whole host of challenges. But women-owned businesses are growing two times faster than businesses led by men, Business Wire reports. This means that that elusive work-life integration is achievable, even when your plate is overflowing. Just take it step by step, and success will find you in no time!

Want to lead with confidence and achieve your goals faster? Terry Sidford's life coaching will encourage you to actualize your potential and make it to the top of your game. Click here to connect with us today.



Posted on March 17, 2022 .

Building a Business That Is Beneficial to Both You and Your Community

When it comes to starting a business, there is no greater available resource than the community you live in. By broadening the connections you already have and showing yourself to be a valuable member of the community, you can not only improve your business outcomes but help improve your community, as well. Terry Sidford invites you to check out this guide to successfully starting a business in your community. 

1. Join Your Local Chamber of Commerce

Being part of the chamber of commerce for your area has innumerable benefits for your business. Membership is a built-in business network that gives you access to other local entrepreneurs and community leaders you might otherwise not be able to connect with. Your business gets advertised through the chamber of commerce’s website and output.

In many places, the chamber of commerce also plays a role in determining how business will be conducted in the area, so being a member allows you to have input and be one of the first to know when changes that can affect your business are on the horizon.

2. Support Local Programs

In every community, there are programs that are in need of local business support to provide them with funds or products to keep them functioning. Donating uniforms for a children's soccer team, for example, or providing water and snacks to the high school band is a great way for you to make connections not only with the members of those groups but the many adults who are connected to them. 

In many cases, these donations can be written off on your taxes, so they are not ultimately as expensive as they may seem at the outset. They also get your business's name out there and endear you to the members of the community who see you making efforts to improve the lives of those who live in it. Not only is it beneficial to the community and your business, according to the EF Academy Blog, giving back is good for your mental and physical health. 

3. Protect Your Data

Customers expect a certain level of privacy and security when they interact with businesses — especially when this business is conducted online. So, regardless of services or products you offer to your local community or worldwide, you need to have a cyber security plan in place. Not only can these measures help prevent your business from succumbing to a cyber threat like ransomware, it also establishes what you need to do should you fall victim to a cyber attack. Working with pros in the IT industry can help you address issues you may not have considered. 

4. Enroll in an MBA Program

While it’s possible to learn on the job, if you really want to have a thorough understanding of running a business and ensure your business’s future, consider returning to school to pursue your MBA. When looking at potential schools, do your research to ensure you find an accredited program that is right for your circumstances. 

In addition to learning about strategy, management and the other content that an MBA entails, you’ll also be making important contacts you can use for the rest of your career. Just as your chamber of commerce helps you to connect with those in your local community, an MBA program allows you to build relationships with other entrepreneurs and business professionals in the broader business community who can support you as you progress your business. 

Give your business the best chance of success by building relationships and knowledge. With the right moves, both you and your community can reap the rewards of your business's growth and development. 

Posted on February 23, 2022 .

Baby Steps Toward a Big, Happy Life

If you’re finding it difficult to prepare yourself mentally to step out in the world with confidence, you’re not alone. There are many reasons that we lose our spark, from the pandemic to divorce to financial worries. But, you deserve to live your best life, and the small steps below can help you see over those things in the world that have brought you down.

Life coach Terry Sidford shares today’s post as just one of many helpful articles.

Update Your Career

For most of us, our jobs play a huge role in defining who we are. But, we aren’t always happy. If you think it’s time to step away from a position that makes you miserable, take the leap of faith. But, if you’d rather be a bit more prepared and jump with a proverbial parachute, then now might be a great time to go back to school. You can earn a master’s degree in everything from education to business administration from home without giving up your financial safety net. If you’re not yet ready to commit to a full career change, get a hobby. Anything you can do to channel your passions is a good step toward improving your outlook on life.

Change Your Diet

You know the saying, “you are what you eat.” While you won’t turn into a cantaloupe, the food you put into your body does affect how you feel and present yourself. When you’re constantly bloated, for example, it might be time to cut carbonated beverages, garlic, sweet potatoes, and milk from your diet. If you’ve made changes to your diet and bloating doesn’t go away, talk to your healthcare provider about possible issues that might indicate a more serious health concern. Eating a balance of healthy foods will also give you energy and help you maintain your weight.

Update Your Wardrobe

Once you get your body under control, it’s time to pay attention to how you feel and what you wear. Many of us have taken to living in sweatpants and ponytails, which might be comfortable, but don’t always make us feel as though we look our best. Consider investing in a few pieces of comfortable but stylish clothing and accessories to match. A pair of glistening tiger’s eye earrings or necklace will go great with jeans, leggings, or a dress. Casual black pumps or rhinestone flip-flops can also help you walk out of the house with confidence. 

Make New Friends

TalkSpace acknowledges that making new friends as an adult isn’t always easy. But, our social circles can have a great impact on our overall self-esteem. When you have a strong support network, you feel better about yourself. Similarly, when your friends only call you when they want something, you start to tie your self-worth to the value other people assign to you. Making new friends can open up new opportunities for new experiences that can enhance your life in ways you have yet to imagine.

Exercise Every Day

If the idea of starting a new fitness routine is intimidating, don’t let it be. Although there are definitely regimens that can take up half a day, there are also plenty of ways to step into exercise without fundamentally changing your schedule. Fatherly explains that simple workouts, such as crunches, lunges, and jumping jacks, are easy. There is a very low barrier to entry, and many things you can do from home require no special equipment. Exercise keeps your body nimble and can improve flexibility, weight, and mood.

Building your confidence now will put you in a better position to choose courage when you need it most. You never know when things in life might change, and you owe it to yourself to be prepared for whatever may come. Even if you just need a simple boost to your self-esteem, the tips above can help you get there and will put you on a clear path toward the road in life you wish to walk.

Posted on February 7, 2022 .

Small Steps: Preparing to Re-Enter the World After Lockdown

After spending so much time inside, the idea of returning to normality might seem intimidating. Luckily, there are plenty of changes you can make to your day-to-day routine that will help you build confidence so you can re-enter the world ready to live your best life. Terry Sidford offers a few of her own.


You’ll be amazed at how quickly a change in diet can affect both mind and body. An inclusion of healthy food in your daily intake can reduce mood fluctuations, according to Aetna, and can even help with depression and anxiety. If you’re getting back into the habit of exercise, then it’s worth coupling your workouts with energy-sufficient foods like bananas, eggs, or avocados. Not only will the food itself help improve your general health, but cooking is a constructive skill and has destressing benefits after a long day.


It’s not always easy to get back up and onto the treadmill after so long spent indoors but, if you exercise smart, you can build your way up to exercising hard. Les Mills points out that the key is starting with small changes like parking a little further away after work or beginning the day with a few push-ups. With a baseline of discipline, you can then begin to add some heavier cardio and eventually some core workouts. If you’re comfortable with the risk, many find that a gym membership helps spur them into taking action with their fitness - you can find one locally using an online directory.

Another possibility is creating a home gym, outfitted with some basic equipment like resistance bands and weights. Whether you have your home gym in a spare bedroom, the basement, or a space in your garage, be sure to let in as much natural light as possible, which does a lot toward optimizing a positive workout environment. This will require keeping the windows clean, so search online for “best window washers near me” and use Angi.com to read up on customer reviews and get a few quotes on costs. The average fee for window cleaning is $2 to $7 per windowpane.


After enough time spent indoors, anyone would begin to feel a little stressed and neurotic. That’s why it’s worth setting aside some time to focus on relaxation and re-discovering your center. The methods for doing this are not always so conventional - if you don’t vibe with yoga or meditation, you could try one of many different therapies available (e.g., art therapy, sand tray therapy) or mindfulness techniques to help combat the negative effects of constant exposure to screens/social media.


Often, a major source of our stress is the workplace. If you’re so busy trying to keep on top of deadlines, it can be difficult keeping up self-care too. But the truth is, many of the major stressors are not entirely necessary and can be helped through tougher negotiations with our line managers or, if you are a manager, changes to your team dynamic. Wherever you are in the company hierarchy, it’s important to know your limits, give yourself time off and enjoy vacation days when they’re available.

In some cases, the problem is endemic to the job itself. It makes sense that so many of us end up in roles that we feel we’re unsuited for - if this comes at a serious detriment to your day-to-day wellbeing, then you may need to consider a change in career entirely. Doing this can mean starting again from the bottom of the ladder or even studying for new qualifications. If you’re unsure of where to start, try looking at the available courses online - many of these can be taken remotely and are free or at a reduced cost due to the pandemic.

Surprisingly, a return to normality is making many of us feel incredibly anxious. If you’re someone who is suffering from post-lockdown anxiety, don’t worry - you’re not alone and, with a few minor tweaks to your daily routine, there’s no reason why things can’t get better fast.

Would you like to start the New Year with support, clarity, and guidance as you tackle your goals?

Terry is offering a 20% off discount on her monthly coaching packages for the Holidays which is a savings of $160 and higher! Click HERE to take advantage of this discount today by using the Promo Code: HOLIDAY.

*Offer Expires on January 1, 2022.

Image by Pexels

Speaker, Author and Professional Coach Terry Sidford encourages you to give yourself permission to tell your own story, stand tall, be proud, lead with confidence and not feel alone. Contact Terry today!



Posted on November 29, 2021 .